Field Day ’07
Other photo sets (click to load into this window):
Microwave Expeditions
VHF Expeditions
| Field Day ’07 |
Field Day ’06
VSP Tower
ACARA Repeater
We established the station at Chimney Point in the shadow of the Champlain Bridge. The site administrator welcomed us to set up our station on the shore of the Lake below their historic buildings. The view across the lake is beautiful.
Champlain Memorial Lighthouse—We announced our location near the lighthouse when we called CQ. The lighthouse was dedicated in 1912 as both an aid to navigation and to honor Samuel de Champlain. It’s number 207, for collectors.
We began setup early Saturday morning, although much preparation was done in advance. Work got underway at the site with the assembly of a small Tet triband Yagi on a pushup mast.
Attaching each element to the boom and then attaching the boom to the mast took about one hour.
Almost done.
Finally it was ready to push up to vertical.
A tent, chairs, and table were rented and in place. Here you see the operating tent and the yagi. A base-mounted rotor is also in place.
Silly you–you thought there'd be pictures??
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