Contact Us!

Looking for: membership info, licensing, ...getting on-air?

You’re in the right spot!

We’ve got several info avenues for you, look through the listings to find what you want. If none of them meet your needs just contact our general info person and we’ll take it from there.


Membership                      (application: Printable   |   request info or chat)

This is at the top of our list because we hope it's at the top of yours! We want you, pure and simple. Members bring life to the club and make it more interesting for all of us. Whether you’ve got a license yet or not, we hope you’ll consider joining ACARA and exploring some of the different ham radio fields. Curiosity and fun are mandates! Check the Calendar and feel free to come to any event that looks interesting.

Dues—just $10/yr. Membership runs on a calendar year basis; dues cover Field Day expenses, any extra funds go toward repeater costs. Dues include an invitation to the Members’ Annual Dinner, and voting privileges.

Talk first—If you’d like to chat with one of our members before joining, we’ll be happy to have someone contact you and you can set up a mutually convenient time to talk. Use the web-form to request a call. (Of course, you can just email back-and-forth if you’d rather, but it gets a little klutzy after a few questions. Or, do both—we’re here to help.)

Act now—Use the printable application; then mail your check and the app to the address provided. Welcome!


Getting a ham license        (help form | exam dates | local classes)

FCC rules prohibit you from making so much as a peep on the airwaves until you have your FCC Amateur Radio License. We have several members who will be happy to help you get rolling. Getting a license means classes, online... self-study person. It’s not difficult, there's no age limit and kids as young as 8 can do it—you can, too. There are 3 levels: Technician, General, Extra. Until January of ’07, General and Extra required knowing a bit of Morse code, but that requirement has been done away with. Morse code is still valuable in emergency situations and a lot of folks just like it. Learning Morse (we call it “CW”) remains an option, just no longer a requirement.

So, ready to get started? Request a bit of help and info with either the online form or our “info” email . One of our members will get in touch with you and help you get underway.



Help getting on the air                                (help form | calendar)

OK. Step 1 is done—you’ve got that license! Now what? You’ll need equipment. It’s also advisable to listen in for a bit before opening your mouth. Online chatrooms and forums call it “lurking” which sounds a bit evil, but is a wise thing to do. Like all hobbies, ham radio has it’s own lingo and protocols. ACARA members stand ready to guide you through your first on-air forays. We can provide you with opportunities to go on-air using our equipment with a mentor at your side to explain anything that seems odd. It’s like having a friend take you to a party, getting you introduced and settled—much easier than wandering in alone!

Use the online form or email us to let us know you’d like a boost getting on the air.



Help with antennas, equipment, projects        (help form | activities)

This is where the real fun starts! Our members love getting their hands dirty! If you have questions about what equipment to get, how to hook things up, installing antennas (in your “shack,” or your vehicle) , or have any hardware issues that could use a second head or second pair of hands... Give us a holler!

We can also give you a hand with software if you are into digital or computer-based interests. Conversely, if there’s an item on the calendar where you can lend a hand, come on by and join in. We can always use more expertise, and hands-on is a great way to learn as well as help someone else.


Buy/Sell/Trade        (help form)

ACARA members may use the help form to let us what you have to sell or trade, or what you're looking for. If you're willing to loan equipment to another member on a short-term basis, let us know and we'll try to match you up with a need.
